Wednesday, August 24, 2016

When Whales Can Fly

I'm sure we've all heard the phrase "when pigs can fly." It means a task is impossible. Impossible is a keyword for today's meditation.
I've always thought that whales would be more designed to fly than pigs. They sort of "fly" underwater. It's just a simple math equation from there. The universe is entirely constructed on math formulas.

And so is your evolution.

To make a change, especially if you wish to create a desired change, you have to follow three rules, which I'll share here. No need to retype them.

Today, I won't be jumping on my whale and flying to Starbucks for some coffee. Not because I haven't calculated the mathematical logistics for it, but because the implementation is beyond the capabilities of my resources. Plus, landing in the parking lot would be tough.

Is this task impossible? Some may say yes, I say it's not impossible if you can figure out how to do it. You just need universal space, which is a newsletter for another time.

Which brings us to today's meditation. As you create and move through a phase of change, make sure you don't limit your options based on what you believe to be impossible. All you're doing before you implement a strategy is creative thinking, a resource we tend not use as much as we used to.

Your daily reading will steer you in another direction, so it seems, but all paths today point to the same place. And remember to use your space. Just one in the word impossible becomes Im possible.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

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