Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How Did I Get Here?

How, Why's, and What If's, are all questions I get a lot during spiritual counseling sessions. Today's meditation is about how.
As odd as an environment (or section of an environment) may seem, it can only exist for one reason: Your soul wanted it to exist, and there will always be a good reason for it, even if you have "no clue" why.

That is what evolution is all about, figuring it out.

What may seem like a "glitch," will more likely need further attention from you. This isn't bound to environments, but relationships as well.

Your daily reading will seem like it makes more sense if read it from this perspective.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Head in the Cloud

Having your head in the clouds refers to daydreaming, or not paying attention to what is going on around you. You can expect to experience this energy in the course of your day.
It could be you, but it doesn't have to be. There are two points of view regarding today's meditation:

There is value in daydreaming. Creating without judgment is the first step in evolution. If it's you, or someone around you, you may tap into a new path of destiny without realizing it.

The other is attention to detail, which could easily be the yang of yin daydreaming.

And as always, your daily reading can help you guide you as to which is which and how you maximize the benefit of each.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Monday, August 29, 2016

Leading A Rhino to Water

Welcome to Monday everyone!
Today's theme is pretty simple. Simple to comprehend but not so simple to execute.

If a Rhino isn't interested in drinking water, you're going to have a challenge trying to lead him there. Expect the same type of day today.

Remember the virtue patience! Your definition or style of "leading" probably won't be effective today. It doesn't mean you can't achieve your goals, but you have to be smarter than the average Rhino to get it to the water.

And your daily reading will probably help you understand why and how to do it.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Building A Mystery

A good meditation with the universe this morning. Every once in a while, they come in clear as day, and in typical universe-speak, clear as day refers to a mystery.

Today's meditation is acknowledging you're doing it right, and as exactly as things are supposed to unfold when you harness the energy of the universe to create the future you wish to experience by investing time and effort. The word "charitable" has to be squeezed in there somewhere too.

If you've taken advantage of this period of change, you are building a new environment for yourself. You do that with calculated strategy and the required amount of energy to make it happen.

And there is still a mystery.

Where you've landed isn't of your creation, although you've paid a significant part in it. It the universe, which is an environmental creator that made it, based on your efforts. Of course, you can possible fill in every blank on the scale of how the universe works so that you can expect two things:

  • Yang, meaning something that balances to the opposite of effect of your goals, and
  • Substitution, where the universe doesn't know exactly what you meant, so it fills in the blanks.
Both are good signs you're on the right path, and if you need some further insight on what those two might be, check your daily spiritual astrology reading.

But good job!

Love and light,

Jordan Canon

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hearing the Ocean

No doubt, everyone has heard the phrase: When you put a seashell to your ear, you can hear the ocean. That is the simple theme of today's meditation.
Is it hearing the ocean?  No.

It's hearing all the sounds one could hear at the ocean. And if you think about there could be thousands. It just takes a little more energy and focus to hear beyond the obvious.

The universe wouldn't ask you listen if there wasn't something for you to hear. And you'll find a direction in your daily reading.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Friday, August 26, 2016

Arrival In Sight

There's nothing like seeing signs of your final destination when taking a long road trip. Your awareness is heightened, you expectations increase, and your face is covered with smiles. The road was long and maybe bumpy, but you've finally made it. Now everything will fall right into place.
Not so fast.

This week, I am focusing on the how the stars have aligned for you make a change. The universe will help you out more than you can ever imagine. It's like getting a 40% discount on everything.

But for every Yin, there has to be a Yang. While the balance of universe power can tip towards your direction, like waves at the ocean, it has to tip back.

And here is the first time you will see that. When you arrive at the doorstep of a completed change.

Not that's it bad (if you one to judge) it just won't be 100% of what you expected. It can't be for the universe to provide an environment in which you can evolve by the choices you make and the effort you invest.

If you took advantage of this opportunity (some may call it a gift from the universe), you could expect a huge return on your investment, but you won't be able to guess it 100%. If you're 80% correct, you're doing good.

This is important today because most of us will overlook the 20% missing, and that's where your daily spiritual astrology reading will help you today.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Blending In

Some astrology signs prefer to blend in to watch and observe without being observed. And exactly the other half of society prefer to be the center of attention observing what people watch. How we blend in is a personal choice.
But since we are moving through a phase of change, with great help from the universe, keep in mind our new environments are likely to require us to make modifications to ourselves to blend in.

In the picture above, this woman might stand out in your environment, but she may come from an environment where she blends in perfectly.

Today's meditation is just about that, and it's worthy of some thought from you. In addition to your own ideas, you'll find some hints in your daily reading too.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

When Whales Can Fly

I'm sure we've all heard the phrase "when pigs can fly." It means a task is impossible. Impossible is a keyword for today's meditation.
I've always thought that whales would be more designed to fly than pigs. They sort of "fly" underwater. It's just a simple math equation from there. The universe is entirely constructed on math formulas.

And so is your evolution.

To make a change, especially if you wish to create a desired change, you have to follow three rules, which I'll share here. No need to retype them.

Today, I won't be jumping on my whale and flying to Starbucks for some coffee. Not because I haven't calculated the mathematical logistics for it, but because the implementation is beyond the capabilities of my resources. Plus, landing in the parking lot would be tough.

Is this task impossible? Some may say yes, I say it's not impossible if you can figure out how to do it. You just need universal space, which is a newsletter for another time.

Which brings us to today's meditation. As you create and move through a phase of change, make sure you don't limit your options based on what you believe to be impossible. All you're doing before you implement a strategy is creative thinking, a resource we tend not use as much as we used to.

Your daily reading will steer you in another direction, so it seems, but all paths today point to the same place. And remember to use your space. Just one in the word impossible becomes Im possible.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Banana Fruit Snake

As many of you may know, I have long kept snakes as pets. Today, I'd like to chat with you about the Banana Fruit Snake, as it came up in today's meditation.
In case you've never heard of this snake, it is only found on an island called Aru off the coast of Australia. They don't eat bananas or fruit for that matter, they have evolved into highly specialized creature that lays wait near fallen fruit for its prey.

Since it doesn't, or rarely has to move, evolution has modified it camouflage, so it appears to look like a banana (hence its name) laying among fallen fruit. But it is very vulnerable when it has to search out a new hiding place, as a banana crawling along the jungle floor is easy pickings for the birds of prey on the island.

And that's today's daily spiritual meditation. Alright, in case you didn't get of it I'll expand a bit.

This week is a phase of "change," for many you. It doesn't have to be a major change, but if you're inclined to commit to a change that's been on your mind, this is a great week to do it.

It's not "change," like changing what you might have for lunch. It's an evolutionary change, meaning once you forward you can't go back. No one really knows what the Banana Fruit Snake looked like before it evolved. There is a time coming soon where your environment will equally change as no one in this environment will know the former version of yourself.

So point one of today's meditation talks to taking advantage of the window of opportunity the universe has created for this phase. Part two refers overdoing it.

One of the main reasons the Banana Fruit Snake is not more well known is that, as I mentioned, it loses all it's camouflage when it has to find newly fallen fruit to hide in. As a result, the species is extremely limited in its ability to reproduce. In the yin-yang rule of universal balance, it's exactly on point.

So point two, is to be careful not you over-evolve, which could be easy to do accidentally while surfing on this giant wave of change. There is a reason evolution doesn't happen overnight.

That's about all I can say, the rest you'll have to get from your daily spiritual reading

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Monday, August 22, 2016

Traveling with Your Soul

There is a lot going on today's meditation; I hope I can squeeze it all in.
The word "traveling" is neither past or future tense. It is an action represented by effort invested in the present. In matters of the soul, where you traveled, or where you may travel have no relevance. Past and present are considered human entertainment like right after you buy a lottery ticket and fantasize what you'll do when you win.

Right now you are traveling with your soul. You might gather from the picture that your soul is the child in the suitcase. No, that is you.

Your soul is taking you for a ride, and from an evolutionary point of view, you are child compare to it. However, you can only see where the ride is going when you look out the window, which isn't near as often as you might think it is.

And that brings us to the theme of today's meditation, which also brings us to the last element in the picture we haven't yet talked about.


The door. This one particular path of travels is arriving at a destination point. One might also say, coming to an end. It will soon be time for you to venture out in this new environment of your creation, although your soul had a lot to do with this one.

Keep an eye on your daily readings for the week as one reading is like a chapter in a book. You will see what I mean when you get there.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Spiritual Astrology Readings of Your Soul

Spiritual astrology readings help people "look within" themselves and learn how to harness the power of their souls. It provides you with insights into your character and individual life potentials by indicating the strengths you have and the challenges you experience in life.
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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Navigating to the Spiritual Exit Lane

Today, just a quick to make you aware of an upcoming change. A change for the better if we were going to judge it. A path you've been on is coming to an end. There will more about this in the upcoming week, so stay tuned.
You just don't want to miss your exit, and your daily reading will act as your spiritual GPS in helping you arrive.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Friday, August 19, 2016

Spiritual Long Legs

Imagine your legs are five times the size they are now. You could get across a large room or an aisle in a supermarket, and all with one or two steps. You might even be able to sleep in a little longer on work days because you'd be able to get to work quicker, than with the little legs you have now.
Think of the spiritual (meaning to look within) possibilities of having longer legs. Conceptually more distance with less effort.

And that is the theme of today's meditation.

Properly harnessed, you will be able to achieve a lot more with less effort today. You just have to aware and efficient, like you are visualizing yourself with spiritual long legs.

Of course, there's a yang to the yin of having long legs, but that won't be so much of an issue today. And "of course" part two, what you can "do" is in the support of the charitable energies of the universe, not for yourself.

The imagination and desire you possess, where you might focus your energies can be found in your daily reading.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Seeing What's Not There

Some may look at this picture and see two pairs of shoes. If you can imagine bodies connected to the shoes, I see a father and daughter playing: "Pick me up again Daddy. Pick me up again." Sentiments I am sure many of you can remember, even if it only happened yesterday.
But it would not be a Jordan Canon meditation without a twist.

If you are a man, the only sentiment you can relate to is being the father picking up the daughter. If you are a woman, the only sentiment you can relate to is being the child playing with your father.

Of course, that would be sentiment experienced first-hand. If you witnessed such an event, you could connect to the sentiment, but second-hand.

Either way, the thought should make you smile.

That seems like a lot of thought for a picture of two pairs of shoes. However, it's only the tip of the iceberg when you see today's daily reading. You will have the opportunity to be one the characters in today play.

And of course, only if you can see what's not there.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Private Beach

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a private beach somewhere quiet where we could enjoy the cool waves and a soft breeze on our face?
Well, you have one, and that is the theme of today's meditation.

It may be the same definition as the private beach you are thinking of, but to the universe, they are all the same thing. Maybe your "private beach" is your own office, a man cave, or even a laundry room.

A laundry room?

Yes, to the universe, anything you have that someone else desperately wants come sunder the category of private beach. It is just a universal mathematical arrangement of code that makes it appear different to you.

Which brings us to today's visual training aid, the picture. Why is the woman crying on her own private beach?

And that is the mindset you need to consider for today's daily spiritual astrology reading

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

In a Wick of Time

I think you all know me by now; I am big on pointing out the need for a balance of energy by drawing attention to the imbalance of spiritual power.
We have all heard the phrase "In a nick of time," which refers to achieving a deadline at the last possible second. Given that definition, what do you think today's theme "in a wick of time" refers to?

Of course, it is more important what you think than what I think, because what you think is energy invested in creating your environment. However, if you have "no thought," then please allow me to pass on a message from the universe.

It is not about sloth, laziness, or not doing. It is about waiting to do. You are waiting to react, and chances are you have been waiting awhile. There's not a sense of urgency, so it is easy for this to slip through the crack on your immediate to-do lists.

That is the message for today, in fact, the universe is quite passionate about it. Please forgive me if my translation lacks the emotional oomph the universe would like it delivered.

I cannot tell you any more, but I know a place where this introduction just may change the meaning of your daily spiritual astrology reading like a light bulb suddenly went off over your head.

Instead of the light from a wick.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Monday, August 15, 2016

Big Shoes to Fill

At first thought, you may be thinking you have big shoes to fill. Not today. Think about the little soul who put his feet in his father's shoes. Is it a fascination with the shoes, or the father?
Chances are, it's the budding relationship with the father that inspires the child to be like him.

And that's your theme of the day. It could be your child, it could a young or new coworker, but it will certainly be someone who looks up to you.

Today, you have to harness the energy of why they do, and put extra focus into that part of your relationship.

Your spiritual astrology reading will have more insight for you.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Gift on the Rocks

There is an Island called Gran Carnaria in the Canary Islands which has a large pile of man-made concrete bricks stacked along the shore to prevent the waves from damaging the island.
By the way, I'm planning a spiritual field trip there if anyone want to go and meditate with me at sunrise on the rocks, but that's a story for another newsletter.

So one clever and talented soul (probably a young Pisces) ventured down to the rocks and paint one so it looked like a gift. A gift on the rocks.

The spiritual symbolism is immense. I can crank out at least 15 different ones, but that has no bearing on your theme of the day.

What matters is what you think about the picture and the spiritual message in the gift on the rocks. Once you think of one, which shouldn't bee to hard, it will tie in with your daily reading, but you have to do it in that exact order.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Plan

I think most would people would be surprised to learn that they don't give up, or fail, as much as they think they do. Can we do better? Of course, we all can. But that's not relevant to today's theme of the day.
Our goals don't change. They can mature and evolve, but they don't change.

It's how we get there that changes. It's the amount of effort we're willing to invest and the amount of risk we're willing to take. And I still haven't gotten to the theme of the day, but I'm getting closer.

What is a goal anyway? According to the dictionary, it's the desired result from the end of the applied effort.

So maybe I get to the point now, and the rest of this makes sense. You're welcome to re-read it too.

Heavy decisions are abounded right now. Its the beginning of a new phase of choice. These decisions are new, they have been on your mind for a while.

It's just time to pull the trigger and not fear the domino effect that comes with it. Why?

Because that's what you're supposed to you, in fact, it's the only thing you can do to move forward and get closer to your goal.

And I'm sure you'll find some supporting spiritual wisdom in your daily reading

Love and light,

Jordan Canon

Thursday, August 11, 2016

No Fear

There's nothing like pulling the old Harley out of the garage and zipping down the highway. The roar of the engine, the wind in your hair (I prefer no helmet) and the ability to accelerate at will are all sensations no one should miss. When it comes to motorcycling, I have no fear.
Now in respect to the universal law of "no secrets among light workers," I feel like I should mention that I don't actually have a motorcycle nor did I ever own one.

When I was young, my parents forbade it. What they saw me do with a loaner is a story for another time. Today, my wife and children forbid it. My brother has one, and he told me my parents gave him strict instructions, I'm not to ever ride it. He'll jump out of a plane with me, but we won't let me ride his bike.

What's up with all that? I evolved to become a responsible adult, surely I can I can take a motorcycle out for a spin. But I can't, and it because of one thing:

No fear.

But those who know me have plenty of fear for me, which brings us to the theme of today's communication.

I often say fear of anything prevents you from evolving, and conceptually that is true, but today I am talking about the fear you might have for another person. Your advice, wisdom and counseling intuitiveness is in a high cycle now. If you sense the fear of failure, try to see the same intuition from its opposite viewpoint and present it as such.

Your daily reading can help you see what I mean. 

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Which Way Do I Go?

As a spiritual counselor, I get this question a lot. But it's when I don't get this question that makes me feel more concerned.
Sounds backward right?

That's how you know you're on the right path, but I'll shed some more light on why. Chances are, if you're not thinking about which way to go, you're not going anywhere.

Eliminate the human concepts of time and judgment, and you are much closer communicating with the universe. It doesn't have these elements in its environment.

What's left is the ongoing choice of always moving through your time here. Some call it Free Will. The fact is, you are always supposed to be faced with which path to choose, and you should always be moving forward.

Without time, a right or wrong choice doesn't exist. You simply make another choice to achieve the destination you wish to experience.

It's doing "nothing" that stops (or pauses) your evolution.

An important topic, especially after you see today's spiritual reading.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


We all know that prehistoric man created the wheel, but we may not know that shortly after, a prehistoric woman created the washing machine.
Today's spiritual theme is right along these lines.

The wheel is a simple design; it's what other creations the wheel inspires that accounts for its original genius.

Today, you don't have to re-invent the wheel, but you just might find yourself in a situation where you can harness your spiritual lightworker energy to help someone improve a creation or solution they are struggling with.

And you'll probably find an opportunity in your daily reading

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Monday, August 8, 2016


We all know the optimist see the glass half full, and the pessimist sees the glass as half empty. Which one are you?
According to spiritual astrology readings, half of you will be natural optimists and a half you will be natural pessimists.

But today, your Indian Lightworker name will be Mainstreamist.

As Lightworkers, we know we have to continually achieve to attain Yin-Yang or balance of power and energy for us to maximize our spiritual energy. One way to help you do that is to see the relationships in your environment from a mainstream viewpoint. Or right down the middle.

At one point today, and I hope you don't miss it, you be in a situation where you see what I mean quite clearly. Two contrasting viewpoints, to where your "balance" point of view is the perfect solution.

This solution isn't so much the big deal for the day, although it does come as an added benefit. The real joy is tapping into your mainstreamist ability for the future, and your daily spiritual astrology reading will point you-you in the right direction.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Watching with Sunglasses

Sunday is the perfect day for a relaxing day at the beach. While we are there, we are very much likely to wear sunglasses, which allow us to freedom to watch whatever we wish in complete privacy because no one can see our eyes.
That is the theme of the day in a nutshell. Like spiritual enlightenment, watching is all about taking in observations without judgment or action. It's like listening with your eyes.

And what will you listen to with your eyes?

Start with the wisdom of today's daily spiritual reading.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Lightworker Ability

As a Lightworker, you're blessed with spiritual abilities and realizing them makes up a big chunk of your spiritual evolution.
But that's not what today's theme is about.

The picture suggests one soul has the ability to overcome an obstacle that the other souls see, stop working towards, and identify as impossible.

Today, you are likely to find yourself in a similar situation. I remind you that Lightworkers are doing the charitable work of the universe when called upon. It's not you doing anything, except making yourself available to help.

And obviously, your daily reading will have some direction where this opportunity may lie.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Friday, August 5, 2016

Intuition Alert

There is an exact reason why I selected this picture and the size and placement of the text, for today's theme of the day. There, I'm sure you get it, so I probably don't have to write anything else.
But just in case, I'll expand a bit.

The power of intuition is so misunderstood that I have to start there. In the picture, a blindfolded woman is trying to find an open door, relying solely on her power of intuition.

Think of how you use it. An intuition pops into your head, you may give it some thought, and in the overwhelming vast majority of cases, we end up saying something like: "I knew that was going to happen."

Intuition is not an energy source that can be categorized, analyzed, or assigned any number value for which we can "score" it's intensity or relevance.  It is more like the mathematical theory of Chaos, but that is a newsletter for another day.

You can see lightning strike, but you can't predict where it will strike. Intuition is managing the same type of energy.

I'm getting a little off base, thank you for staying with me. So back to the picture. Intuition is in giant letters. The word alert is in tiny letters.

Shouldn't that be the other way around? Wouldn't the alert be more significant and useful?  Perhaps I can tell you exactly when this alert will occur, but that would like telling you where lightning is going to strike.

Sorry to make you all read this, but hopefully I drive the point of today's theme home. You don't need to be "alerted" when an intuition arrives. And you don't need to logically try and figure it out.

Just go with it.

And of course, like the weatherman on TV who tells you there's a 90% chance of a lightning storm, your daily reading will provide some insight on where it could strike.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Are You Free or Trapped?

Most of us are likely to say to say we feel trapped in some form of relationship. This can be at work, with health issues, or any relationship we've created. Remember, you can only evolve through your relationships.

For today, I invite you to do a little soul searching.

Think of all the times in the past you were in situations yo would never go back to. They could qualify as feeling "trapped," and like a bird that escapes its cage, you would never want to back there.

If you give it some serious consideration, no doubt you can come up with a long list including relationships with people, situations, and personal abuses.

Now, I invite you to see the accomplishments of your evolution. You did break free and move on. Chances are, any similar feelings you have today are minor by comparison.

Escaping wasn't and isn't the solution. You created a new environment, and this is the viewpoint you may wish to consider for today's daily spiritual reading.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Energy Absorption

We've talked a lot about energy, and here's one I don't talk a lot about, mainly because people don't believe it.

Energy absorption is the strategic ability to absorb light energy from living energy environments. I'm sure you've heard the term "energy vampires," who feed on the light of others. This isn't that, but that is a newsletter for another time.

The universe has put little energy recharging depots all around your environment. When you harness spiritual energy, you burn through it at a much faster rate than "human' energy.

Water is the easiest source of this, but far from the only one. The idea is to seek it out and always be on the lookout for it. It could be anywhere, and chances are excellent you walk by them all the time without noticing.

But all this isn't today's theme of the day. The theme of the day is "absorb." It sounds easier to do than it is. It's an action that requires patience and calculated thought, but the benefits are amazing today.

And you'll get a hint in your daily reading why.

Love and light,

Jordan Canon

You can find your daily spiritual astrology reading by visiting Free Spiritual

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Who Am I?

Ask me who I am, twenty years ago, and I could never have imagined or made an intelligent guess. Which leads us right into today's spiritual theme.

Did I become who I am through spiritual evolution, or was I always who I was, and just didn't know it.

I'm not a fan of believing our destiny is all laid out for us. It would defeat the purpose of a life-long mission of evolution. In fact, you wouldn't evolve at all. You'd just sit back and watch the ride.

But one of the assumptions we make is that our soul has a life-long objective, which is why we are here.

But not so fast.

Some of us are here to make one choice over and over again until we get it right. It can seem like the smallest choice, but has a huge effect on how the rest of you life goes.

Today you'll make "one choice" based on who you are, and your spiritual astrology reading will shed some insight on where this could occur. It won't be the reason why you're here, it's what the path turns into that has the most relevance.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Get your daily spiritual astrology reading by visiting Free Spiritual

Monday, August 1, 2016


One of the amazing things about humans is that they are concerned about their spaces. Don't get too close, don't be too far away, who's in my yard, I'm sure you get the reference.

Souls, including yours, have no space. It's another roadblock of communication between you and your soul that your soul doesn't comprehend.

I hope you understand that because it's wrong.

We have to assume our souls are higher evolved than we are. Given that, it is us who create the roadblock of communication. And it doesn't just happen between our souls and ourselves. It a practice we politely (or impolitely) extend to all the people we share our environments with.

It's interesting we do that because the only way you can evolve our souls is through our relationships. One would think we would want to be more open and inviting with our space management.

Granted, "bad" things can happen, but so can "good" things, if you want to include a judgemental point of view. But nothing can happen if we don't allow the opportunity to exist. There is no good or bad; there is only open or closed. Good or bad is a snapshot in time, so anything bad can become good, and anything good can remain so.

It's your power of free will.

And that is the perspective you may wish to consider when you jump into today's daily spiritual reading.

Today's Spiritual Song

Sometimes we just have to have a little grace, not space.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Get your daily spiritual reading by visiting Free Spiritual

Friday, July 29, 2016

Bear in the Woods

If a bear in the woods watches the final episode of the season six Walking Dead TV show, does the bear know who Negan kills in the cliffhanger? On a separate note, I used to receive emails asking for my psychic prediction of this event.

The bigger question, and today's theme of the day is: Does an event exist if we don't see it?

From a spiritual viewpoint, I don't mean "see" as in with your eyes. I am referring to events that you haven't given any thought to. Thought is energy; the universe uses energy to create your environment, so can an environment (or environmental condition) exist without your input?


We are accustomed to feeling that our environments are all-inclusive and in a small way, they are, but they are from the capabilities of what they can be.

If you are struggling to find a solution to an ongoing problem, you may have just figured out why. You can't find a solution because you have to create one.

It's an entirely different use of spiritual energy than what you're accustomed to. But I'll give you two sources that just may be able to help you out.

The first would be your soul. It only creates, and you have the perfect yin-yang relationship with your soul in that you hardly create.

The second is your daily spiritual astrology reading, and you read it with your soul, you two just might balance enough energy to find the path you are seeking.

Today's Spiritual Song

Sometimes, before you can evolve to become a soul that sees everything, you have to first hear it.

Love and Light,
Jordan Canon

You can read your daily readings by visiting Free Spiritual Guidance

Thursday, July 28, 2016


As we come to the end of our spiritual growth phase, you are likely to discover the results of your efforts are not exactly what you intended, but you are on the right path, as it pertains to this one issue of focus.

Whenever you execute the evolutionary process, you can expect to feel more powerful, because you are. Spiritual power is not a gift; it is earned. Well done, but keeping it is another process.

Most people will lose the power they receive because of how they use it, most often, for their own benefit. It's quite a temptation to avoid, but by universal design, has to exist in this manner. You have to prove you are worthy and responsible for having this power.

The best way to keep and grow spiritual power is not to use it. I know, sounds weird.

Let's say you come into a million dollars, which could easily qualify as a power. You can buy things for yourself, or you can give the money to charity. Which do you think is the best use of this power?

The answer is neither. In both examples, you used the power.

What if you put the money in the bank, and withdrew only the money that came from interest earnings. You would have the power to use and still have the original investment.

That's a broad-stroke example of how spiritual power works. The opportunities of how you might use yours are in your daily spiritual astrology readings.

Today's Spiritual Song

I had a few to choose from, but I'll go with Magic Power, because if you follow the universal guidelines, the magic energy will send chills down your spine.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tug of War with Your Soul

There is a saying "win the battle, lose the war," and that concept is the basis of today's theme, but from an internal perspective.

Let's forget about all the relationships outside of your "self" that you will experience today and dedicate energy towards the conflicts within. If you feel like you could be having a tug of war with your soul, you are exactly where you are supposed to be during this phase of spiritual growth.

No one wins in this tug of war. It is simple a measure of power that swings your way and the way of your soul.

When it swings your way, you don't even feel like you have a connection with your soul. Everything is sharp and clear, and it seems like you make a wrong choice of anything.

When it swings towards the way of your soul, you feel overwhelmed, indecisive, and slow to make decisions from the viewpoint of insecurity. Most of your sentences or thoughts could start with the words: "What if...."

Neither of these scenarios is where you want to be.

You want to attain a point of balance, harnessing the benefits of both energies. And that is your focal point of the day. In all likelihood, your find answers to "how" and "where" in your daily reading.

Today's Spiritual Music

This was the first song the universe used to communicate with me through music. Don't be fooled by the distraction of the movie images, but focus on the words and "coming out of the dark."

I Still Believe

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Get your daily spiritual astrology readings at

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Swimming In Sand

For those of you new to the newsletter, we (lightworkers) are in a phase of spiritual growth. In human terms, it means work and investment of energy.

As is the case with all environmental conditions of spiritual growth, work energy comes with one step backward for every two you take forward, and sometimes the step backward feels more like a leap.

If you're doing everything right, today will most likely be one of those days. Don't let it get you down, it's supposed to work this way.

I like to use the phrase "swimming in sand" when I refer to this process. As you know, the universe is an environmental creator, and it can only create the environment you want based on your investment of energy.

As difficult as swimming in the sand may be, if you don't give up and keep investing energy, the universe can only realize what is happening and gradually change your environment. The sand will become water.

Most us might complain, or not look forward to a long swim in any water, but from this viewpoint, it would be a most welcome change.

As is the upcoming change you will find in your daily reading, provided you stay the course and work through the issues of the day.

Love and light,

Jordan Canon
Read your free daily spiritual astrology reading by visiting